Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Season of New Life

I can't believe it. Early March in Maine and I have 4 inches of daffodils popping up along the front of my house. This is unheard of. Maybe we actually will have Spring this year (as opposed to the season we usually refer to as Mud). Like those young flowers making their way out of the ground, little by little I feel as if I too am coming out of a season of being dormant and hindered from living. The past few years I have been so overwhelmed and all-consumed with caring for elderly parents. The needs of my family have often been shoved aside (please forgive me!), my friends have taken a backseat (in a stretch limo), my own pleasures completely ignored. Though I may not have liked every time I had to deal with a mom who was so confused that she didn't know up from down or help pick my dad up off the floor because he had fallen and couldn't get up, I did learn so many valuable lessons.
1. We only have our parents for a season; I don't have any regrets about the time spent caring for them.
2. Love enables you to do whatever needs to be done.
3. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.
4. Heaven is a real place we can long for with excitement.
So for me, this winter season is nearly over. Dad is gloriously HOME, mom is safe and adjusting to life at a care facility. Winter is necessary for healthy plants. I hope that the emerging me is healthier and able to give more joy than last season's me.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy,
    I'm so encouraged by this...encouraged for you and by you! Keep the writing coming!
